Code of conduct

We are dreaming of a world where kindness and respect among human beings are the only existing option.

Basics Guidelines of Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct & Ethics


Integrity means being independent, responsible, honest, transparent and sincere for its own sake. Persons of integrity hold themselves to high moral and ethical standards. In order to have integrity, both members need to willingly engage in self-reflective deliberation about what those standards ought to be, and how both members can work together to uphold them. All members, all have the responsibility to improve each other and to act in ways that empower the business and research community as a whole to act with integrity. Integrity is not a quality that can be taken for granted; it requires a continuous effort to maintain and improve.


Respecting each member, and thus the diversity of the business and research community, implies that each member is never treated merely as means towards the attainment of personal or organisational goals, and that we respect each other’s freedom and ambition to excel. It also implies that members of the business and research community will not discriminate, demean, bully, humiliate, harass or manipulate others. We might have differing ideas of what counts as respectful behavior. Therefore, respecting each other also entails being honest, transparent, and willing to engage each other with an open mind, in discussions about our ideas, actions and responsibilities.


At Coworkability we embrace diversity and aim to be as inclusive as possible. We follow The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, believing that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Hence, the differences between humans ought not diminish our respect for each and every individual as equally worthy of our consideration. This concerns differences in socio-economic, cultural or religious background, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical appearance as well as roles and positions. Put positively, the joining of diverse perspectives is an aspect we want to promote with our activities. These differences add value – not only to our daily lives but also to the work we do together. We should therefore protect and embrace the diversity within our community.


We strive to have impact for a better society, both on a local and global scale. Being responsible means that we consider the implications of our actions, also concerning the collaborations we engage in, the partnerships we form, the results of our research, or the impact of the technologies we develop. We embed the social responsibility of Coworkability into our consulting, memberships, academy, workshops, webinars, member request, platform designs, software development, and other activities that support these efforts. Coworkability is an open academic and industry community: we strive to be an institution in which employees, members and partners can communicate with each other openly, and we aim to reflect the ideals of open science and open innovation as much as possible. This openness is part of the effort to ensure that the processes of education, research and innovation, as well as administrative and decision-making processes, are verifiable at all levels of Coworkability. The responsibility for engaging in and monitoring these processes is shared amongst us, members of the Coworkability community. Our engagement is also expressed in the ways in which we relate to each other within the Coworkability community: we inspire each other and are prepared to offer and receive constructive feedback.


We believe it is important to be courageous in exploring the frontiers of scientific and technological knowledge and design. We make our knowledge accessible to other experts as well as to society, and are open to 2. The Core Values of Coworkability are: Diversity, Integrity, Respect, Engagement, Courage and Trust. Courage is also needed when it comes to integrity: it takes courage to speak out. All of us work together to create and maintain a safe environment for discussing and acting on difficult questions, in order to enact our core values and principles. This includes having the courage to face uncomfortable situations and deal with them responsibly, to recognize our own limitations, and to ask for help when needed.


Public trust in science and mutual trust amongst the members of the Coworkability community are key. Scientific and Innovative knowledge is a public good and it is our responsibility to act in such a manner that we, and the outcomes of our members work and studies, are worthy of that trust. We are committed to transparency—by being, as much as is possible and fitting, open about what we do, with whom, and why. Thereby we show ourselves to be trustworthy to those inside and outside of Coworkability. To enable trust in each other, we respect each other’s privacy and protect confidential information. We have systems in place to guide us in how to protect data privacy, and we respect each others’ freedom from intrusion. We take responsibility for our actions and avoid conflicts of interest and the semblance thereof. Those of us in managerial positions further act upon the responsibility to create a safe environment in which people trust each other.

In order to uphold this code of ethics, inappropriate behaviour of any Coworkability member or partner that is reported or identified by the Coworkability team will be investigated, discussed and an appropriate course of action will be taken. This can result in a warning with the expectation that the behaviour of the individual will be modified and/or the cancellation of membership and partnership if necessary.

We are proud of being part of this support and reporting platform and we share a positive environment for our members, partners and team.

Contact us, if you have questions and you want to share your experiences.